sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


Tras conocer los informes de Human Rights Watch y otros, dados a conocer esta semana, que afirman que hay niños que están siendo asesinados, mutilados por bombas racimo y utilizados como combatientes y vigilantes, UNICEF reitera su petición de que se proteja a los niños en todo momento. “Es más que alarmante, es escandaloso e inaceptable ver cómo se violan los derechos de los niños de esta manera,” ha dicho Anthony Lake, Director Ejecutivo de UNICEF. “Cuanto más se prolongue esta situación, mayores serán los daños a los niños, a su futuro y también al futuro de la propia Siria.” UNICEF está trabajando en Siria y en los cuatro países vecinos para distribuir suministros básicos a cientos de miles de niños y familias. Más información sobre el trabajo de UNICEF en la Crisis en Siria: http://www.unicef.es/infancia/emergencias-ayuda-humanitaria/crisis-en-siria Foto: Layla [NAME CHANGED], 8, a refugee from Syria, draws a scene of soldiers firing on people and buildings, during a UNICEF-assisted art therapy session, in the Ramtha Facility, in the town of Ramtha. She made the drawing in response to a request that the children draw their most frightening experience. The drawing includes words, in Arabic, that say (left-right): (near soldiers:) "Terrorist from the security forces"; "bullets"; (figure in blue:) "wounded"; (by arrow pointing from building:) "holes from shells"; and (inside the house:) "destruction", Layla commented, "was there when all that happened." Her real name, written in the top left corner of the drawing, was blacked out to protect her identity. The Ramtha Facility, run by the Government with UNICEF support, has assisted 300 Syrian refugee children to date, providing psychosocial care and remedial education (required to help refugee children adapt to the differences between Syrian and Jordanian school curricula, as well as to bridge educational gaps caused by interrupted school attendance). In March 2012 in Jordan, an estimated 7,000 refugees from violence in Syria are in need of assistance. By mid-March, the yearlong conflict inside Syria has claimed the lives of more than 500 children and 244 women, killed some 9,000 people and wounded many others. An estimated 1.7 million people have been affected by the violence, which has extended into at least half of the country's 14 governorates. Education and health services have also been disrupted. Some 150,000 & 200,000 people have been internally displaced. An estimated 30,000 refugees “ half of them children“ have fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. While most have registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), others have not, fearing possible retaliation against them or their family members remaining in Syria. UNICEF is participating in an inter-agency assessment of needs in conflict-affected parts of Syria and has requested US$7.4 million to with governments, UNHCR and local and international NGOs address the needs of an anticipated total of 40,000 refugee children, including in host families, in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, over the next six months. In Jordan, UNICEF supports the Government's decision to extend access to education to Syrian refugee children and is assisting with related school fees, supplies and other costs. UNICEF is also supporting child-friendly spaces for refugee children, psychosocial assistance for children who have witnessed or been subjected to violence and advocating for access to primary health care services for child and women refugees. Detalles Archivos Contacta Fuente: UNICEF España

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